There has never been a better time to enjoy vegetarian food. Meat-free eating has well and truly outgrown its worthy-yet-dull image, and vegetarian cuisine is now widely regarded as exciting, appetizing and innovative. Due to the ever-growing interest in healthier eating, as well as ethical concerns over animal products, more and more people are discovering that there is life after meat, after ā¦
Heart-healthy food does not have to be boring! In fact, this book will show you that it can be some of the most delicious food you will ever eat. Cardiovascular disease is epidemic in the western world, with seven million sufferers in the UK alone, and the numbers are rising. In this book, Medicinal Chef Dale Pinnock explains why in a refreshingly clear and simple way... and tells us we can doā¦
Menyiapkan hidangan para tamu pada saat makan malam dan pesta tampakya sangat merepotkan dan menghabiskan biaya.. Akan tetapi, dengan tersedianya beraneka macam resep yang menarik dalam buku ini, Anda dapat meringankan biaya dan tenaga. Aneka ragam makanan jumput panas maupun dingin ditampilkan dalam buku ini. Demikian juga dengan makanan pelengkap dan camilan yang manis serta lezat. Buku-iniā¦